API documentation for the readers module

The readers module provides the function load_to_dataarray(), which is used to load data from a file and convert it into a DataArray object. The DataArray can then be added to a Data instance for use in a Virtual Ecosystem simulation.

The module also supports the registration of different reader functions, used to convert files in different storage formats into a DataArray. The load_to_dataarray() automatically uses an appropriate reader based on the file suffix.


The FILE_FORMAT_REGISTRY is used to register a set of known file formats for use in load_to_dataarray(). This registry is extendable, so that new functions that implement data loading for a given file format can be added.

New file format readers are made available using the register_file_format_loader() decorator, which needs to specify the file formats supported (as a tuple of file suffixes) and then decorates a function that returns a DataArray that can be added to a Data instance and validated using validate_dataarray(). For example:

@register_file_format_loader(('.tif', '.tiff'))
def new_function_to_load_tif_data(...):
    # code to turn tif file into a data array



A registry for different file format loaders


load_netcdf(file, var_name)

Loads a DataArray from a NetCDF file.

load_to_dataarray(file, var_name)

Loads data from a file into a DataArray.


Adds a data loader function to the data loader registry.

virtual_ecosystem.core.readers.FILE_FORMAT_REGISTRY: dict[str, Callable] = {'.nc': <function load_netcdf>}

A registry for different file format loaders

This dictionary maps a tuple of file format suffixes onto a function that allows the data to be loaded. That loader function should coerce the data into an xarray DataArray.

Users can register their own functions to load from a particular file format using the register_file_format_loader() decorator. The function itself should have the following signature:

func(file: Path, var_name: str) -> DataArray
virtual_ecosystem.core.readers.load_netcdf(file: Path, var_name: str) DataArray

Loads a DataArray from a NetCDF file.

  • file – A Path for a NetCDF file containing the variable to load.

  • var_name – A string providing the name of the variable in the file.

virtual_ecosystem.core.readers.load_to_dataarray(file: Path, var_name: str) DataArray

Loads data from a file into a DataArray.

The function takes a path to a file format supported in the FILE_FORMAT_REGISTRY and uses the appropriate data loader function to load the data and convert it to a {class}`~xarray.DataArray`, ready for insertion into a Data instance.

  • file – A Path for the file containing the variable to load.

  • var_name – A string providing the name of the variable in the file.


ValueError – if there is no loader provided for the file format.

virtual_ecosystem.core.readers.register_file_format_loader(file_types: tuple[str]) Callable

Adds a data loader function to the data loader registry.

This decorator is used to register a function that loads data from a given file type and coerces it to a DataArray.


file_types – A tuple of strings giving the file type that the function will map onto the Grid. The strings should match expected file suffixes for the file type.